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車軸移動式パワーバイク movable axle bike




A movable axle bike means a kind of bicycle ergometer which has a movable axle of pedal arm. The pedal of an ordinal bicycle ergometer moves in a circle orbit, but the pedal of a movable axle bike moves in an elliptical orbit.
 Compare to the ordinal pedaling in a circle orbit, the pedaling in an elliptical orbit requires larger movement of pelvis and greater activities of muscles of deep part of a body.  In the first stage on the light work load, a person press down the pedal only by the transfer of one’s body weight from one side to another side in a standing posture. The handle of a movable axle bike is able to rotate in all-direction, and a person tunes the handle with grips to the same side that the pedal is moved down.

The characteristic of the motion of training using this machine is the ipsilateral motion of leg and arm based on a different nervous control from the ordinary.
Namely, the foot, knee, hip, shoulder and arm of the same side should work on a sagittal plane when the pedal is moved down. When the pedal of right side is moved down, a whole body weight should be transferred to it. The handle is also turned to right consciously. In the case of the pedal of left side, a whole body weight should be transferred to left and the handle is turned to left.
In the training using a movable axle bike, the muscles of thigh, hip and deep part of a body are strength effectively. Those are muscles of thigh (quadriceps femoris, hamstrings, adductor muscles), pelvic girdle (gluteus maximus, psoas major, iliacus, priformis ) and other muscles of deep part of a trunk.

A movable axle bike is useful to improve the performance of running and many other events of sports, because it strengthen not only muscle power of  muscles including of inner muscles but also the ability of stabilize good posture and well balanced form for sports produced from ipsilateral motion.      
It is more effective to use this machine with the combination of a sprint training machine.

 For athletes, a movable axle bake is useful for athletic rehabilitation.
It is common to use a bicycle ergometer to keep their fitness, when athletes cannot train from the reason of injury.
Bicycle ergometer is useful for athletic rehabilitation because of no shock come from the ground, but main active muscles are the quadriceps femoris of the thigh. A movable axle bike is also useful for athletic rehabilitation because of the effect of motion of pedaling in an elliptical orbit and of the ipsilateral nervous control

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A movable axle bike
The axle of pedal arm move back and force about 30cm in one cycle of pedaling, therefore the pedal moves in an elliptic orbit. The pedaling of this elliptical orbit is sometimes difficult for a stranger of this kind of work, but the work is carried out smoothly when the pelvis is moved as if to draw the shape of a horizontal figure-eight(∞). This kind of pelvis movement needs to mobilize the work of many muscles in the pelvis.

A movable axle bike is a training machine to use in a standing posture. In the standing position on the pedals, a person stands on one leg so as to make the vertical line through the foot, knee, hip and shoulder (under the arm) of one side of a body, and holds other foot on the pedal which is in the up-front position in the orbit. The handle is tunes 45 degree towards the side of standing on one leg.

In the starting posture, the knee of one side is extended in the vertical line on the pedal and the knee of other side is flexed at the up-lift position on the pedal. The electric brake system works on the pedals in the range of 135 degree in the orbit, starting from the point of 45 degree below from the highest point to the lowest point. In the picture, the knee is flexed at the starting point that the brake system start to work on the pedal.
From this starting posture, a person starts to move the pedal. In the first stage of training with the light load of electric brake, a person moves the pedal only by the effect of transfer of one’s body weight without expert power to push down the pedal.

A movable axle bike has a rotary handle which move freely without brake load. In the picture, the vertical line through the foot, knee, hip, and shoulder is formed on the left side. In this case, the handle is turned to left about 45 degree from the front face. The direction to turn the handle is different from the pattern of ordinal walking, because the nervous control of ipsilateral movement of arm and leg is required to turn the handle.
A movable axle bike is a great tool to train the ipsilateral nervous control of a body.