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  2. 外国講演要旨:「十坪ジム」とトレーニング(English)


この講演概要は、2016年11月13日(第7回アジア運動学会 於:インチョン大学)、および2015年11月7日(韓国運動師会大会)の講演要旨を示したものです。

The 7th Asia Conference on Kinesiology Advisor’ Lecture
A model of small fitness gym
                At Inchon Univ. Nov.13. 2016.

Sub-Title:“Totubo-Gym”Network to Promote Health for High-Aged People in Kashiwa City, Japan

Kando Kobayashi Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, University of Tokyo, Komaba, Graduate School of Art and Science, Dept. of Sports Science. The University of Tokyo Sport Science Initiative

1990年東京で行われた第3回陸上競技世界選手権東京大会(3rd Track&Field World Championship in Tokyo)が開催された折、日本陸連(JAAF)は、バイオメカニクス研究特別班(Biomechanics Research Special Project Team)を組織し、総員79名の研究スタッフが、実際競技の場面での選手の競技力(Athletic Performance)や技術内容(Technique)を高速ビデオや各種ビデオ装置を用いて撮影し、動作分析(Motion Analysis)を行った。
その結果、当時100m9秒96の世界記録で優勝したカール・ルイス(Curl Luis)選手をはじめ、一流選手は、脚全体を素速く大きく回転させる走技術を用いており、これらの走技術を身につけるためには、脚や臀部の筋群(Muscles of Leg and Hip)ばかりでなく、大腰筋や腸骨筋をはじめとする体幹深部の筋群(Core Muscles such as Iliopsoas)を有効に活用することが必要であることがわかった。しかし、大腰筋(Psoas Major)や腸骨筋(Iliacus)、などを走技術に生かす適切なトレーニング方法が見つからなかった。小林(Kobayashi )は、これらの課題を解決する方法の一つとして、1995年にスプリントトレーニングマシン(Sprint Training Machine)を開発し、これを用いてトレーニングしたところ、走能力に著しい改善がみられる例が多く見られた。今日でも、選手をはじめ子ども(10歳以上)を含めた多くの人に、ランニングの基礎動作の習得を目標に、スプリントトレーニングマシンが用いられている。
 2000年頃から、スプリントトレーニングマシンやその後開発された車軸移動式パワーバイク(Positionable-Axile Bicycle Ergometer)などが、高齢者の歩行動作の訓練(Training of Walking Motion)に極めて有効であることが判明した。これらの一連の新開発マシンを認知動作型トレーニングマシン(Cognitive Motion-skill Training Machine)と総称して、低体力状態にある高齢者も含めて、高齢者の体力向上と健康増進のためのトレーニングシステムを作成した。高齢者が多く在住する地域に、小規模なトレーニングジムを多く作り、それらをネットワーク化することによって、地域全体の高齢者が運動に参加できる環境づくりに取り組んだ。小規模トレーニングジムは、十坪ジム(Totubo-Gym)と呼ばれ、広さは約33~50㎡で、高齢者が徒歩30分以内で通うことができる範囲とした。十坪ジムには、認知動作型トレーニングマシンが設置されている。認知動作型トレーニングは、筋肉痛(Muscle soreness)が起きにくい、力んで力を発揮しない、動作学習型の運動である、トレーニング動作がやや複雑で飽きない、楽しく継続的できる、などの特徴がある。現在、千葉県柏内および隣接地域には、12か所の十坪ジムがあり、平均70歳代の会員を中心に、約1900人の市民が十坪ジムでの運動に、週1回1時間の運動に参加している。

Case study of exercise therapy used to promote healthy senior citizens in Japan

Exercise Training to Promote Health for Elderly People  
~ ‘TOTUBO(small size)Gym’ and Cognitive Motion-Skill Training~

           Kando  Kobayashi  Ph.D
      Emeritus Professor of The University of Tokyo
      The University of Tokyo Sports Science Initiative
            3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan

1. Attention to Body Inner Muscle

 It has been recommended to promote health condition for elderly people that ①aerobic exercise (cardio-respiratory function),②resistance training (muscle strength),③flexibility(stretching)and ④balance exercise.
Japanese sport scientist pointed out from a biomechanical research for top athletes that strengthen of the body inner muscles, which located in deep part of torso, is necessary to improve sport performance. Remarkable results in sport event for some Japanese athletes were obtained by training body inner muscles such as the psoas muscle major and the ilium muscle .
The psoas muscle major and the ilium muscle, representing the body inner muscles, work to hold on body posture and assist a walking motion. Regarding to the senior citizen, training of these muscles will be useful to keep a good style of daily life.
In Japan, the word of ‘Daiyoukin’ that means the psoas muscle major is well known related to health promotion activities, and ‘Core Training’ is also popular for people who like fitness training .

2. Development of Cognitive Motion-Skill Training Machine

 The author (Kobayashi) developed ‘Sprint Training Machine’ which is effective to improve running ability in 1995. It was recognized that sprint training machine is useful to improve walking motion for elderly.    
The training machines to train the psoas muscle major and other body inner muscles were developed such as ‘Bicycle ergometer with a  positionable-axle’,  ‘Rowing machine for use at a standing position’, ‘Arm & leg ergometer for use with a similar motion of animal walking’, `Torso training machine for use with swing action of leg and hip together’, ‘Training machine to train the psoas muscle major on a moving bed’, ‘Training machine to  improve flexibility by positioning both feet widely open on the bottom shaped surface of a sphere’, and ‘Treadmill with a low height of walking surface from a floor’. For elderly of low fitness level, some training machines were developed such as ‘Soft sensual machine’ (Body Repair of 6 types), ’Power assisted rowing machine’ and ‘Power assisted bicycle ergometer with a ellipse path of pedaling’
These training machines are named generically as ‘Cognitive Motion-Skill Training Machine (CMTM)’.
Activities in the wide area of a brain were observed by monitoring using fNIRS (Simaz Co.) during exercise with some CMTM, which activate inner body muscles.

3. Small size training spot: ‘Totubo-gym’

Training studies were carried out for the subjects of elderly in a low fitness level, persons of cognition suffering, and mentally retarded children in the laboratory of the university of Tokyo and the general health center of Sizuoka prefecture.  
Training effects such as hyper trophy of the psoas muscle major, improvement of walking ability, improvement of body motion in a daily life, and betterment of general malaise were observed by training using CMTM,
In 2006, eight small size training spot named ‘Totubo-gym’ (about 33㎡ space wide) which has CMTM were settled in Kashiwa-city, Chiba prefecture.
Totubo-gym program was financially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Industry, and Chiba prefecture, totally 80million dollar. Thousand of middle and aged people participated on the training program for 1 to 5 months without fee. Training program was consisted of 60~90minutes training using CMTM, 1 or 2 times in a week.
After this training program,  Totubo-gym was continued by charging fee for participation from April of 2007. The participants were 320 in first month and increased gradually to 900 in October of 2008. Most of participants are people over 60 years of age. Training program is 60 min exercise using 6~7 different type of CMTM. The kind of CMTM settled in Totubo-gym was slightly different from the place to place because of a different fitness level of participants. In one place, the power assisted CMTM were set for the low fitness persons.
The stability of participant is 85% in average in this period. It is ideal that Totubo-gym is located within 10minutes on walk, therefore, 3 Totubo-gym were settled in the district of higher rate of high-age population. The network of Totubo-gym will be made in near future.

4. Merits for using training machines

In Totubo-gym, CMTM were using for training for the following reasons.
①Training effect is certain.
②Possible to train body inner muscle which is difficult to train in usual way.
③Possible to train at one’s pace with pleasure without feeling of endeavor.
④Effective to improve walking ability.
⑤Guidance is easy.
As for the characteristics of CMTM, it could be pointed out.
① Muscle soreness is not to be occurred.
② Effective for motor learning.
③ Effective to activate brain by complex exercise movement.
④ Possible to train for elderly of low fitness level

5. Instructor of ‘Totubo-gym’

In the concept of ‘Totubo-gym’, it is included to activate community.
A short course to educate instructor for the ‘Totubo-gym’ has been held by the cooperative society of sport and health management study related to the Uni. of Tokyo. A license of instructor was given after attend to the course of 16 classes of 90min which consisted of theory and practical physical technique. The practical examination was also carried out.  Healthy and relatively vivid persons over 60 years old are account for 80% of instructors. They find life worth living as instructor. 108 instructors were educated in 2006 and 89 instructors are working at the time of October in 2008. Two men of 82 years old were eldest among the instructors.
It has been intended that vigor old persons with volunteer spirit work as the instructor in Totubo-gym to guide and train high-aged persons in a low fitness condition.