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  3. 体幹ひねりマシン 簡易版およびゴルフスウィング版 Trunk Twist Machine Simple Type

体幹ひねりマシン 簡易版およびゴルフスウィング版 Trunk Twist Machine Simple Type

Trunk Twist Machine  simple type and golf swing type
At first, the trunk twist machine was developed for the purpose to improve the swing motion of golf club by improving the flexibility and smoothness of the twist movement of the trunk.
The training machine to enhance the effects of twisting the trunk should have a structure that the upper part of a body and the lower part of a body are turned to the opposite direction each other at a same time.  
The number first trunk twist machine was developed related to the motion of golf swing and after that the simple type of trunk twist machine was developed not so conscious about the golf swing.
静産大の回転絞り体幹絞りマシン 簡易型
この時、円盤は、手すりと逆方向に回転する。回転する角度はおよそ120度である。手すりと円盤が逆方向に回転するので、体幹には、ひねり効果とストレッチ効果が生じる (十坪ジム新柏店(NPO法人東大スポーツ健康マネジメント研究会運営、および静岡産業大学トレーニング研究室の設置されている)
Trunk Twist Machine  Simple Type
A person stands on the platform and turns the handrail to the right or the left direction. When the handle is turned to right, the platform is turned to the left. The direction of turn of the handrail and the platform is the opposite each other. The range of the revolving angle is 120 degree to the right and the left from the center position and 240 degree in total. The combined effects of twist and stretch motion are produced to the trunk and other parts of a body by using the trunk twist machine.
The machines of this type are settled in Totubo-gym Shin-Kashiwa (NPO Todai Sports Health Management Society) and in Training Sci. Lab. of Shizuoka Sangyo University.

DSCF0154ゴルフ型 体幹捻りマシン 1号機

ゴルフマシンシンドウゴルフ型 体幹捻りマシン 1号機

画像ゴルフ型 体幹捻りマシン 2号機